I like how easy it is for me as a seller to use! It's not intimidating at all. The support team was very helpful as well during my training period. There really isn't anything i dislike about this program. Sometimes you may receive an error, but they are quick in response time and figure out what the issue might be and resolve it quickly. As long as you have good information set up correctly before uploading your product info into the system, there shouldn't be any issues. Sending more effective emails has helped increase our revenue by over 20%. We can send targeted messages directly from within our e-mail accounts instead of having to log onto another website or app on our computer/smartphone. The ability for my team members in house at this time was they could use it without an app is great! But having them be forced into using one would have been nice as well!! Having all files uploaded so I can go back over any file or edit before sending out again if needed has helped me greatly because some people get confused easily from being left alone online not knowing what we're doing there sometimes.