greetings to everyone on this platform, the company i will be reviewing today is called the mistixlash global beauty company. the first thing i did before giving this review was trying to know more about the company and there operations, the following i will be sharing below is what i learnt about the mistixlash company.
1. from what i found out or think to, the mistixlash company is based in the united States of america, i came to this conclusion because the company uses the united States dollars as it currency for buying of goods and products being sold by the company, the mistixlash company deals or specializes in the manufacturing of eyelashes, but the mistixlash lashes are special because they sell both the magnetic lashes and the normal lashes, all the eyelashes being produced by the mistixlash company are of the highest quality and make.
2. the magnetic eyelashes being produced by the mistixlash company safes time and are more effective or rather faster to apply than the normal eyelashes, the mistixlash eyelashes products are not harmful to the eye . the mistixlash company products can be shipped to any part of the world and if you are not satisfied with the products delivered to you, the company has a refund policy.