So it has a nice compact design, handy bag. But the controller isn't what you think it is; it's not a d-pad, certainly not two! D-Pads emulate sticks on a joycon, so you know. interesting concept! How it works? It's not like this. In Super Metroid, when you go from diagonally right-down to left-down, your character will continue to drift to the right. Do this on the Switch Light Panel and it will work as it should; You drift left, not right. So functionally broken. Not to mention that you plan on using this d-pad as if it were a d-pad. Any games that don't use sticks to control direction end up in the hose and have to switch to tabbed buttons that you're TRYING to avoid by buying it in the first place! Can I recommend it? Absolutely not. I might use it with a gun to my head on the street. MAY BE. Stepping on the heels of the .ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE SN30 Pro+ is a huge disappointment. Nobody tested it with the games they would play for?