I can tell you as long we are working with them, there is nothing they cannot do for us! Nothing too many problems or issues came up over all seven years of our relationship (I would say about two minor glitches in one year only). They have been great partners who listen closely when it comes down creating customized solutions tailored exactly meeting your needs - no extra cost involved here whatsoever since everything has already paid off before hand so if anything goes wrong after purchase don't be afraid because support staff will take care ou I like how easy it is for us to use this software. It allows our business people access across different platforms, so we can be more productive in a variety of ways. There are some things about the program that could improve such as making sure all fields have equal weighting when using certain functions within the system. We use Modulus Data with our payroll department to make sure everyone gets paid correctly. This has helped eliminate errors and saved me hours each month!