Poor fit and definitely not OEM for a 2002 Jeep Liberty Limited. The attachment point on the side of the car is sloppy and easily removed without loosening the metal tab. Too much pressure in the rack; It is very difficult to close the jar with two hands, and almost impossible with one hand. As long as they are functional. As they wear out and weaken, they'll probably be fine. If I start seeing any slipping off the mount or too much stress on the glass I'll add an update. I would NOT buy this again and would caution others to look for a part that better matches the OEM. Update 09/06/17: So far no slippage and a little less pressure. Changed from 2 to 3 stars. Update 05/10/17: Still no slip and same pressure. I spoke to a mechanic who also has a Liberty and he said he saw some racks that were so hard to close he thought he was going to break the glass. He says it seems right. Changed from 3 to 4 stars.