people I was so happy to receive such a highly rated product. I ordered 36 PSI caps and put them on my bike's front and rear tires. I made my first trip with these pups and checked them and my tires before I went. About 5 minutes into the ride, I noticed the handling was getting squirrel-like. After 10 minutes I had to stop because I felt something was seriously wrong. Lo and behold, my rear tire was flat almost to the rim. I look for holes and since I can't find them, I check the valves. The plastic plug on these valves is the point of failure. Within 10 minutes of my first ride on them, the plastic cap came loose and released enough air to render my ride useless. This is a VERY SERIOUS ERROR! If things had gone differently, I could have lost control of my bike on the Autobahn. This is totally unacceptable and I question the quality control of these caps. Guys please be careful with these products.