These heatsinks were used on an old circuit where the integrated circuit was getting very hot. This is a very old circuit where the microcircuit was already in a ceramic socket. The circuit is no longer replaceable and I have found that a small amount of freeze spray keeps the circuit working properly. I bought a heatsink kit as an experiment to see if I could find a heatsink for the circuit to solve the problem it was having. I tried a thermal paint that ran for about an hour and a half before the heat issue started showing up. I found a radiator in the collection that had multiple ducts. Using the 3M thermal tape that came with the heatsinks, I attached the heatsink to the one I had already placed on the chip. This made the additional heatsink larger than the surrounding circuitry and the amount of aluminum on the two heatsinks. There was enough drain to keep the chip cool enough for proper operation. The second cooler was also high enough to be cooled by the ambient air (airflow). I tested the circuit for five hours and it still didn't solve my problem. Success! Older radiators used a gel either attached to a chain with a spring or bolted with a bolt and nut. I was impressed that the heat transfer tape worked well on the heater side and stuck firmly to the chip and other heatsinks. This is for a simple fix.
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