[09/29/2020 My mistake, accidentally sent to the wrong place a few days ago] Just received a PEMENOL motor speed controller. Connected to a 30V 10A DC power supply for testing. It turned on normally when I plugged in the power adapter. The LED display is easy to read. The output of the device is switched by pressing the control button. There is an LED above the handle that indicates whether it is on or off. The knob has gentle indentations as you turn it, showing the PW percentage on the LED display. It goes from 0 to 100. I don't know what the PWM frequency is. I didn't connect it to my oscilloscope. I ended up wanting to use the controller for a 24V geared motor but tried it on a few other DC motors first. I tried a regular 6V DC motor which was able to drive the motor very smoothly up to 100% modulation except for very short pulses. Probably just too short a time for DC motor dynamics, no problem with the controller itself. I then hooked up a 24V DC geared motor, nominally running at 1000rpm and 24V DC. The motor controller could again regulate the speed steplessly from about 15 to 100% modulation. It looks like it would be great for adding speed control between a fixed DC supply and multiple DC motors. Very practical and easy to connect.
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