I ordered THREE of these sets. There are 18 orange support arms in total. Of the 18, two had enough clearance to mount them on a black wall pipe. Everything else had to be expanded a bit to fit the black pipe that screws onto the wall. For assembly, a thin plastic washer must be placed between the end lugs on the orange arms and the black square tube before the bolt can be tightened. passed through. The washers have a peelable tape. You peel off the backing paper and stick a washer onto the two black pipe holes for each arm. Then put the tabs of the orange hose on the washers and screw in the screw. In my case the problem was that the internal lug spacing on 16 of the 18 arms was too narrow to fit the black tube with the shims installed. The tabs had to be pushed apart a bit to fit. One of the welds on one leg broke. My guess is that the mounting spacing was determined before the hands were powder coated (painted?), or maybe the welders were unaware of the paint job. The reason doesn't matter. So I decided to find a replacement for the failing hand. MUCH LUCK! I couldn't find the seller's contact information. Luckily, Revain sent me a replacement for one of the three sets. I think. I hope. Dealing with a seemingly computer-controlled customer service representative in a case like this was a challenge, to say the least. If you need to do what I've described, place the orange tube in a vise with the square tube lined up with the ends of the vise jaws and the welds lined up exactly over the top edges of the vise so there is no stress on the welds when you squeeze the lugs on the sides to a small clearance that may be required to install the levers. Alternatively, you could look for a better set of frames. I. That might be a good choice.