These bags are fake. They are not compostable. Compostable is a regulated term in the United States by the FTC's Green Guides I think. While the product description vaguely uses the term compostable, it does not use the term to directly describe the product. This is how they're dodging the regulation.The box I received just says "Trash Bags" and then in the subtext it says "choosing compostable" (what does this even mean?). It does not say "Compostable Trash Bags", which would incur enforcement of the regulated term. "Biodegradable" and "degradable" are marketing terms like "natural" that have zero legal meaning.This is a crap scam that's misleading well-intentioned consumers into buying a product that they're actually trying to avoid. I will return this item, and you should too."'Compostable'• Marketers who claim a product is compostable need competent and reliable scientific evidence that all materials in the product or package will break down into — or become part of — usable compost safely and in about the same time as the materials with which it is composted."
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