It helps me track all my applicants at once without any confusion or hassle! I love that it allows you to add your own details as well for each applicant so there's no chance they could be lost in translation from one person working with them to another. We've been using this product since March 2018 but haven't had much issues until recently when we realised how many emails were going into our inboxes every day - sometimes several times per hour. This meant some people weren’t receiving updates about their applications even though they'd checked multiple boxes before submitting an application form online. It has helped us manage background checks for new hires and even existing ones we have been working with for years with ease! I dislike nothing about this program other than that it could be more user friendly when setting up reports and tracking results. This app allows me to quickly check backgrounds of both recent and old applicants without having to spend hours searching through paper files or going into our database system each time.