I bought it a month ago - the scroll works in a chaotic direction, and it doesn't matter where you turn it with your finger. The light bulbs still glow beautifully shimmering from one color to another, but I already see sometimes sharp color changes. The most disgusting thing about all this is that there is no communication with representatives of the Oklick company. I want to give them their device back under warranty (and it is already a whole year!) And return the money. But, on the official website, the feedback form does not work, there are no phones, and the only mail they left to communicate with the outside world is the PR department box, from which there have been no answers for more than a week. I'm thinking of filing a complaint against them with the relevant authorities. It's not the case. In short, the first time I tried the products of this company. 2 out of 5. I will no longer spend my money, time and nerves on this.