I can see all my customer data in one place. The data is easy to pull up and the results are also easy to access. There's not as much room for customization as you would think. We're able to have the same layout but you cannot change colors, font sizes, etc.. It's pretty difficult to make it your own unless you know how to do custom styles which I don't. I wish there was more ways to customize the report. It's pretty limited. As we create reports with different filters, it becomes hard to find what we need when we go through them later. It's an overall good system though. This software has made our job easier by giving us access to all customer info from one place. In other systems, you had to search for each piece of information that you needed. Now, I just have to type in the correct information and hit refresh! I like how easy it was for me as an employee (and not so great at tech) because this program has all my information stored under one account rather than having multiple programs that are hard or impossible too find things when needed! Nothing really other then you have everything within your reach easily which i love!! Other companies tend to be difficult with finding info etc but kampyle makes life easier by providing quick access through different platforms such as google drive, dropbox ect..