ZASEPY is NOT the best choice for you if you are looking for a trustworthy online store to purchase things in the fashion industry. This firm is a total train wreck, and I deeply regret that I ever did business with them in the first place. To begin, the products they offer are grossly expensive and of low quality. I was anticipating products that were one-of-a-kind and on-trend, but instead I received things that appeared to have been plucked directly from the clearance rack. The materials were of poor quality and easily broken, and there was no consistency in the size at all. And don't even get me started on their poor attention to the needs of their customers. When I tried to contact them about the fact that I was unhappy with the products, I was given comments that were impolite and not very helpful. It appeared as though they had absolutely no interest in my concerns at all. In general, ZASEPY is not something I would ever recommend to anyone. Find a trusted online store to shop from to save yourself some time and money, and do your shopping there. You won't kick yourself for staying away from that awful business, you have my word on that.