I'm building a new barn (alone) and didn't feel like driving nails in as it's been standing longer than I'd like. I'm new to roofing but have done a few small jobs (previous shed, woodpile cover etc.). Now when I say shed I'm looking at 12x16 and not keeping some rakes and a string trimmer. The total roof area is about 224 square meters. I checked out Horror Freight and their comparable nail gun was about the same price, but I also know their "quality" and didn't want to deal with potential problems, I just wanted to get it done. I ran some 1-1/4 inch test nails at about 110psi to check depth and feel and started there. Never got stuck, the last nail was always ejected so you knew you needed a new spool. I've never tried the single trigger and only pulled twice, twice, twice. Both times it was user error. If you just press it, no problem. If you throw an "unsafe" punch, he'll bite you - hit him like you mean it and you'll be fine. Luckily I didn't have the problems that some here have reported. Didn't have to over oil or dig in - worked right out of the box. I didn't have any nails when I connected the air hose but they warn you this can happen. Loading was easy and went as expected. Check the depth setting on the coil plate - sometimes it got misaligned and caused problems getting everything back into action after restart. Seems a bit heavy but then again this is my first so I have nothing to compare it to other than my Hitachi nailer (love this thing). I wouldn't want to carry that thing all over the roof of the house. I dare say they are close in weight but I haven't done a direct comparison. Biggest Complaint: Why the heck did you make the nail coil elevation plate and cover out of plastic? The rest is really solidly made (hence the weight), but the part you'll be fiddling with all the time is plastic? Is the part that sticks out the most and could break the first time you drop it, plastic? ok man