If you're a single, responsible adult with nothing to lose, kids or pets, then these cables probably aren't for you. For the rest, this is what you need! These are great long cables at a great price in a variety of sizes, they also stop charging after a few months and then eventually just die (especially the longer ones) but when you get 6 cables of different lengths for what you get easily Long cord and they are available in different colors (the color of your cord is purple, red, blue etc.), this is the right one for kids and teenagers. . They know who is who and they will break them, lose them or tie their little brother to the kitchen chair during quarantine because he doesn't "walk" anyway, so if they have a maximum of 6 months to live (how long was my personal "color"), the kids screwed up/lost them between 5 minutes and 4 months anyway. So you are perfect.