Upon opening the box, a terrible odor escaped from inside. What could that be, I thought, maybe a strong smell of rubber? When I removed both sets of pistons and the brush, the smell became very noticeable. The rubber on the butt, as well as the packaging, absorbed the smell of cigarettes. Bought 2 sets of 2 pistons/brushes. I was hoping that maybe it was just an accident, but unfortunately the second box also contained an unpleasant smell. Both packages smelled, which leads me to believe they are stored in a place where someone smokes a lot. They smell so awful that they filled my bathroom in my new house with their disgusting smell. I hope the smell dissipates quickly, otherwise I will send the items back. As for the product, they seem good. I am just very dissatisfied with how the item arrived. For those selling them, PLEASE stop smoking near your products. Some people are very sensitive to smoke.
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