I have been using craft products for many years, I still have a tool kit that was given to me as a teenager. Craftsman products are known by their name as they Making quality products and usually come with a great guarantee.This cutting wheel is no exception and is well built.The craftsman has given the tool a rubberised grip which helps with vibration and dexterity so your hands don't feel tired and the fact The fact that it's rubber wrapped also keeps your hands warm.Metal tools are difficult to use when it's cold outside or in the shop.I like that it has a "fuse" that can prevent accidental discharging of the tool Craftsman also included fairly detailed instructions and tools for changing the cutting wheel itself enough. I wish the air fittings were included even if they increased the price. I specifically had to run to the local hardware store to pick up the air fitting that goes into the floor. The built-in silencer serves its purpose and significantly reduces noise. An interesting feature that is not very common is that they include a forward and backward option, I think to use when the tool is stuck for example. The craftsman hewn it out of the park here, perfect for your shop/garage! Try it!