I REALLY DON'T WANT TO FIGHT WITH THE ROTATION FUNCTION. THIS MAKES JOINING THE CORNERS REALLY MORE DIFFICULT. I WANT YOU TO BE able to LOCK THE ROTATION FUNCTION SO THAT THE CLAMP MOVES BACK AND FORWARD OR ROTATE! WHEN YOU FINALLY PLACE YOUR PARTS AND CLAMP THE ENDS ARE NOT SQUARE, AND YES. I double measured to make sure my sections were square and I'm accurate. I HOLD THE TOP OF EACH CORNER IN POSITION WHEN I KILL THE SCREWS TO ENSURE THAT THE PART GOES NOWHERE. I bought 4 of these thinking they were different from the style I previously bought and I'm sorry they weren't. I REALLY FEEL IF YOU COULD LOCK THE LOCKING FEATURE ON THE ROTARY CLAMP (as it's called) it would be a lot easier to use! #FUMBLINGMESS #NOTEEASYTO USE #WISHIIDN'TBUY