I got some of these to use with my short gas savers (lenses) (lenses) in my 17 and 26 burners. So I ordered more to keep them in all 3 torches. (17, 18 and 26). THEY WORK with 17, 18 and 26 torches IF YOU USE A SHORT TONGUE BODY OR SHORT GAS LENS. If you have full size bodies or lenses THEY WILL NEVER ATTRACT. Read the description and understand what you are buying before you deduct stars as your knowledge of TIG consumables is not sufficient to order parts online. Before any smart answer is given, I've been doing TIG since 1988. That's it, 31 years old. Bar Welding Since 1972. If you're buying these to save gas and assuming they're the only gas savers without a gas saver glass, STOP and find out what gas savings REALLY is.