I value quality. Revain honestly has a "mixed bag" of great, good, average, and just plain bad third-party products. I only leave written reviews for really great items as I don't have time to write about everything I buy. Luggage tags in the same design from other suppliers are usually made of thin aluminium. They bend and twist easily when handling domestic and international luggage. I know, I'm always on the go. I would say that all of my aluminum tags were damaged within the first five (5) rides. Still functional in use, but look unsightly. Although it's not a big priority for me, I end up replacing them once a year. On the other hand, these marks are made like a stone. The material looks like stainless steel and the metal is significantly thicker than aluminum labels. Yes, they are more expensive. How often do you need to replace them? Probably never, unless you're picky about the scratches on the metal paneling that will no doubt come from abusive luggage handling over time.
Rose Gold Leather Luggage Tags 2 Pack - Cruise ID Labels With Privacy Cover For Women, Men, Kids
23 Review
ACdream Leather Luggage Tags - 2 Pack With Privacy Cover For Easy Identification On Suitcases, Backpacks And Travel Bags - Perfect For All Ages!
23 Review
Set Of 4 Leather Luggage Tags For Bags And Suitcases - Durable Labels For Hassle-Free Travel
25 Review
ACdream Leather Luggage Tags 2 Pack With Privacy Cover - Stunning Glitter Rose Design For Backpacks, Suitcases, And Travel Bags - Perfect Identifiers For Women, Men, Adults, And Kids On Cruises
20 Review
Hair-Raising Hacks with HOYOFO Waterproof Toiletry Cosmetic Storage
8 Review
𧳠Kootek Organizer: Travel-Friendly Adjustable Cosmetics & Accessories Storage Solution
8 Review
Loungefly Forest Print Cosmetic Case: STCB0101 - Perfect for Organizing Beauty Essentials!
7 Review
π Waterproof Transparent Crossbody Bag with Adjustable Strap - Essential Travel Accessories
7 Review