A friend recommended this type of strap to avoid straining my neck when using a regular camera strap. Yes, it's more convenient to carry a camera, what's the difference! I preferred it to others because it has a velcro pocket for a battery, it's very handy when shooting at night and it can't find the battery in the dark. The strap that goes over the shoulder is lightly padded and comfortable. I would recommend using it with a forearm strap otherwise it will move everywhere. The strap and shoulder strap are adjustable so it fits even when I'm wearing a down jacket. It also has adjustable clamps to prevent the camera from slipping. The strap can be worn on the left or right shoulder with the bag facing you, you just need to adjust the buckles. The screwed metal plate and snap hook feel solid. An additional camera strap also connects to the carabiner, so this is only useful if the screw connecting the camera to the metal plate fails, not if the carabiner itself fails. The metal plate has a tripod mounting screw. Depending on which tripod you have, you can use it without removing the strap. My tripod uses a quick release plate instead of a 1/4" screw, so unfortunately it doesn't work with mine (but I knew that before I bought this item). The only problem is that my strap is twisted (as shown in my photo). I cannot lay it flat as shown in the seller's photos. It looks like they sewed it up. I just use it with the twisted part on the back so it doesn't get stuck when I slide the camera up or down. All in all this is a good product. I am satisfied with my purchase and I recommend!
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