I wouldn't recommend this printer to anyone looking to print from a Mac as it was very difficult to set up and then get up and running (read on to see why!) . I would continue to look for the best option with a solid install across all platforms. I bought this printer based on good reviews to print from both my kids Chromebooks and my MacBook Pro (OS 10.8.5). Installation took longer than advertised, including enabling Google Cloud Print for Chromebook, but I was able to print from either device. However, the next time I tried to print from my Mac, it couldn't find the printer. After some research on the internet it turned out that this was because the printer was in deep sleep mode and when sending a print job the printer didn't automatically wake up like it should. I didn't think it would be too much of a problem if I could remotely wake up the printer before sending a job every time. But when I went to the printer settings page ( for my printer), I was able to verify that the printer was in sleep mode, but there was no way to change it or wake it up. I was annoyed at the thought of having to go to the printer and press one of the buttons to manually wake it up every time I want to print before the print job is sent (refuses to use the wireless printer!), but the Printer didn't even wake up from button presses (despite the instructions saying it should work). Unfortunately further investigation showed that the REAL problem could be that my Mac is not finding the printer based on its IP address. I first heard about it from Dupuytren in this thread -- http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1849993 -- where he said that printer and router addresses should be the same, ie the same numbers as in 10.0.0.XXX. Его не было, и изменение его IP-адреса принтера, чтобы он был похож на IP-адрес маршрутизатора, решило его проблему, по крайней мере, до тех пор, пока он не столкнулся с другой проблемой, из-за которой он купил другой маршрутизатор (No thank you!). But this thread (http://www.fixya.com/support/t6151863-mfc_7840w_printer) gave me hope that my Mac still can't find my printer based on its IP address. So (thanks to Dupuytren's instructions) I looked up and verified my printer's IP address on the printer itself: 1. On the printer, press the up/down or +/- button until you see Network. Click Ok.2. Use Up/Down to follow WiFi>Press OK>TCP/IP>Press OK>IP Address.3. Write down the IP address including all zeros. Mine was 010,000,000,130. I then logged into my Mac to see if I could manually add the printer with that IP address. So I opened System Preferences, Print & Scan. Click the (+) button to add a printer. (Note that my printer doesn't show up in the "Default" tab because my whole problem is that my Mac can't find the printer!) On the "IP" tab, under the address, type the IP address , which I just wrote down (, leaving the protocol as "Link Printer". Daemon - LPD", "Queue empty", "Name" - indicated something useful, "Location is empty", "Use" - selected the driver of this printer model (I think it was there because I had it installed earlier). Viola! I sent a print job and it found the printer and started it! Why did it work? Actually I'm not sure. I can't believe that when setting up a printer on my Mac by IP address the extra zeros played a role. Although I had previously tried to add this printer to my Mac using the IP address without the extra zeros ( it gave me an error. Now I'm wondering, if this has to do with the "WLAN" setting on the printer. I read somewhere that Brother printers don't go to hibernate mode when it's on. Maybe that's why it's printing fine now - it doesn't seem to go into hibernation mode anymore .To set up your printer's WiFi check, go to the printer's page in a browser and print out "Network Configuration" from the "Lists/Reports" section. Note that I also did one step (but I don't think it made a difference) which was to change the IP setting on my printer to be static by default and not automatic (used the buttons on the printer and the instructions provided by dupuytren). . But I don't think it played a role in my solution because I never changed the IP address and it has stayed the same since I first connected my printer. But that will not allow him to change in the future. As for my rating, I really like the speed and performance of this printer, but I can't give it more than 3 stars as I've had a really hard time working with a Mac that's advertised as compatible! I'm not sure what change I made that caused this, but I suspect that's why I can print. . I think the static IP I had set got changed somehow, but the problem this caused was that my kids chromebooks could see the printer, but it showed as "offline" so they wouldn't send it any print jobs could send. This problem persisted even after resetting the printer to the same static IP I was using. So I figured the best thing would be to remove the printer from google, re-register it to my account, and then share the printer with my kids on google accounts again. That's when my problems started! When I went to the printer's web interface ( for my printer), selected the "Network" tab, then "Protocol" and then clicked on Google Cloud Print, I was taken to a page with a "Register" My printer in Google Cloud Print. Well it didn't work and gave me an error message saying it can't connect to Google. After calling Brother support they told me it was a problem with my Google account. I disagreed with them as it never got to the step where it asks for your google account information. After much insistence, the support rep moved my call to "Level 5" and said that a software engineer would call me back the next day kept going through the network setup wizard (using the buttons on the printer) and lo and behold, it ended up setting up slightly differently, I think it automatically used DHCP as the boot meth ode, and that then resulted in "gateway id" and "mask by dsets" being filled with real numbers (before they were both zeros). When I tried again to register my printer with Google, it worked! I've since gone back and changed the boot method to a static IP address (it already had the same static IP value I was using). The only other difference in the settings I've noticed is that IPv6 is now disabled (it was previously enabled to see if that helps). Of course, I printed out all the printer settings so that if I have problems again, I can reset the settings to this working state. And an IMPORTANT digression. In all my research to get this working, I found instructions online for disabling deep sleep (it's not an option in the printer's web interface or on the printer itself, well, not an obvious option at least). Again, I'm not sure if deep sleep enabled was the reason I had initial issues with my Macbook not being able to access the printer, but I'm pretty sure it was, so I'm glad knowing how to disable DEEP SLEEP and keep it enabled (e.g. when my new problems started this week, somehow DEEP SLEEP was re-enabled on my printer). To cancel DEEP SLEEP on the Brother printer, use the buttons on the printer. (Source: http://serverfault.com/questions/416422/brother-4150-cdn-deep-sleep-how-do-i-disable) ------------------ ----- --------------------------------------------- --------- ----- ------------------------------------ ------------------ ----- ----------Use the arrow keys to scroll through the menu. Go to General Setup, then OKEcology, then OKSLEEP TIME, then OK While the Sleep Time is displayed, press the down arrow and BACK at the same time! Then click OK. Switch DEEP SLEEP on/off with the arrow keys. OK to SAVE Deep Sleep is off. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -Re: Brother support, I finally got a call back (after 2 days) from a more knowledgeable software engine. I had already fixed the issue myself at this point, but he seemed interested in checking some of it out. It's also surprising that he'd never heard of the DEEP SLEEP setting being toggled on and off, saying they might not want to advertise it publicly, but it probably makes sense to include it in their settings record. own internal support database.
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