I bought 05/29/22 at the dns technopoint for 190 tons of! I thought that for this money they would bring a display sample, since in the mvi * eo store there is just a display sample, which has hung for a year and they are trying to cram it in for the same 190t! To my surprise, it turned out to be new)), I also believed in the broken pixels, the halos are pink on white, this problem is often found on c1! I didn’t notice here, I checked the hours, it showed 0 minutes! I think by now I snatched the last copy very well! Brought from a warehouse from Hong Kong! TV release date March 2022 ! Can you say fresh? P. S. Monitorol prices from that year that year at a discount sold for 180 tons! Now almost everywhere from 210 to 240! Therefore, I think for 190 a new telly - I grabbed it very well! I repeat for this pricing, I think I bought not bad!
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