Unfortunately, I did not have a good experience with the Cadocado online store. The store does have a large assortment of apparel, accessories, and jewelry, however I was disappointed with the low level of product quality. The clothing I received did not match the website's description. The colors were not as vivid as they showed online, and the fabric felt cheap and thin. Additionally, the sizing varied, with some items being too tiny and others being too large. I received a pair of uncomfortable, shoddy-made sneakers. The stitching started to come apart after just a few wears, and the thin, weak soles provided little support. The jewelry I got looked cheap and tarnished easily, too. At Cadocado, the customer service was equally subpar. They didn't respond when I contacted them to express my worries. I repeatedly tried phoning and emailing, but no one ever responded. Overall, I had a terrible day shopping at the Cadocado online site. Poor product quality and nonexistent customer service were both present. I wouldn't advise anyone looking for dependable, high-quality clothing to visit this store.