The ease of use of Dent-O-Soft. I love having all my patient information in one place. Also the ease of use for my billing and scheduling. I don't really have anything I don't like about Dent-O-Soft. I would recommend it to any dental practice. I am able to track my patient information from patient to patient. I enjoy the ease of use for my billing and scheduling. I am able to access patient information on the go while I am working in the office. It is easy to use, intuitive, and user friendly. There is a lot of room for customization. I like that there are different ways to do things which makes it easier to learn. The software is not cheap. If you have a small office this will be very helpful but if you have a larger office I would recommend looking at other software. We hope to streamline our operations by centralizing our billing, scheduling, and appointment reminders all within one place.