Of course, I didn’t ride them much, but they are much better than the Velcro that stood before them. Kalina cross car, bought a car and without thinking put winter tires on it with standard size (195/55 r15) which, as practice has shown, is a very bad decision, such wide wheels in winter on viburnum make it uncontrollable, and the cross-country ability suffers a lot, began over time, to understand the issue and came to the conclusion that on viburnum, at least in winter, there should be tires 175 wide (this is the factory size), in short, I chose rubber with a dimension of 175/65 r15, this is the standard width of rubber for viburnum, and in height they turn out to be 7 mm above (I’ll say right away it doesn’t hurt anywhere) and the car drove like a tank, even if it snowed, even if it was porridge, it didn’t matter, if earlier it sprinkled a little snow on the road and the whole car floats on the surface of this snow, now there is always a hook.