This isn't Allen Edmonds. But if you're looking for an eye-catching dress shoe that you won't be wearing very often, these are for you. Vampire skin doesn't polish very well. The sheet is stony and if you use sapphire cream polish it seeps into the crevices and is very difficult to polish. They're pretty comfortable out of the box before walking in. You CAN apply a mirror shine to the sock. While expensive, Allen Edmonds represent excellent value for money as they can easily last 20 years or more and can be recycled. They come up for sale quite often. Every man who wears dress shoes should have a pair or two, you won't regret the expense! Find Kirby Allison on YouTube to learn more. These Milanos are great for casual wear and I wear them in my rotation with Allen Edmonds. If you absolutely can't afford AEs, get them. But you really should save your money and get at least one pair of black AE Park Avenue shoes because they are a must-have in any wardrobe. Update: If you need a pair of dress shoes for an occasion NOW, these are comfortable. right out of the box. And because they have a rubber sole, you can wear them when wet without the need for a waterproof leather sole. The more I wear them, the more I appreciate them. People gave me spontaneous compliments, that's saying something! By the way, this is Derby, not Oxford. Pay attention to the lacing of the "flap".