This is just a great helmet! The fit is slightly narrower than the medium oval but not as snug as the long oval so it fits my head perfectly as I have ever had a helmet and tried many helmets in a variety of price ranges. It's very comfortable but not too tight and hasn't given me any pinch points so far. I suspect the fit will only get better as the pads wear down. The graphics are so damn cool you have to see them in person there is so much on it its like a tattoo artist nightmare lol. It's also very quiet; Mine had a small defect in the shield seal that let some air through so it made a bit of wind noise, but the hot glue basically took care of that. Now all I can hear is the motor purring :-) The black-on-grey image looks a little blue in some lighting conditions, which adds a bit of finesse if you like blue. It's a bit heavy but then again I'm a 3XL haha! But it fits! Buy it! Update in a few days: I'll say the no-fog shield is pretty bs as it fogs up about the same as any other shield, but it's a great helmet nonetheless!
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