The free stock photos are very nice, as they offer many different categories like landscapes etc., but don't give you too much freedom in terms or choosing what sort if photo is best suited your project (for example I would have liked it better with more animal pictures). For some projects we've used only this category because there were no other alternatives available at all! If something isn´t quite right/appropriate when using these photographs then nothing happens unless someone from our team gets involved which usually takes several days until an answer comes back so sometimes time passes before anything new becomes known about them.. I like how easy it is to edit photos, crop them, add text, etc. It's very user friendly! Sometimes there are glitches with uploading new pictures but they usually fix those pretty quick. You should give this program a try if you're looking for something free or cheap. The ability to create your own custom templates really helps out too! We've been able to make our website look amazing without spending tons of money on graphics.