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Review on Clubhouse Golf by Idris Ladidi

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Home of quality golf materials and accessories

Clubhouse just as the name implies is an online store that deals with and specialises in different types, brands and quality of golf materials and accessories at a very cheap price.

They sell high quality Gold materials and accessories at a very competitive price.

Clubhouse can be shopped by department like Balls, Bags, Clubs, Shoes, Gloves, Clothing, Trolleys, and Accessories. Each of this has more than twenty items with guarantee and discounts.

Friendly and easy going customer care services and also professionals staff on prescription of items which can be communicated through the customer care support team.

Newsletter signup for for latest products and special offer .

United Kingdom based retail store trusted and satisfied by thousands of customers

  • Quality products
  • Friendly and nice customer care support
  • Experts guide
  • None