I bought this handbag as a gift. The recipient selected it online and I was concerned that the fur would be stiff. Was I surprised! he is so soft Since I have no experience with this, I asked her to write a review: I love this bag! I received it as a gift. I get a lot of compliments for that. I am very pleased to say that it appears to be of excellent quality. The coat is fairly soft, not oily, but definitely not stiff, rough or cheap to the touch. At first the skin seemed hard, but it already seems to be worn out and softening. I love that this stylish wallet is a bit bulky. It's worth waiting for leather to tear to have the quality of real leather. I'm actually very happy with this wallet. The only thing I would think about changing is the straps. However, I am dissatisfied with the tapes. They could be a bit softer and more flexible, but maybe they will soften over time. I have another bag in this style with the same long strap as this one, with a clip on one end that attaches to the rings that hold the strap to the handbag. The beauty of the clips is that you can thread one end of the strap through the ring and take the clip back to attach it to the other ring. This shortens the strap. I love everything about this bag. Soft fur, high quality leather feel, excellent workmanship, high quality lining and looks great! I would buy this product again. It would be great if they offered other models with different furs and leathers in the future.
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