I'm a hiker who loves spending time in state, national and local parks, hiking trails, enjoying the great outdoors and taking care of my health respect, think highly of. I was interested in these trekking poles for several reasons. They are light. They have a number of interchangeable parts that attach to the ends of the poles. They break down and are easy to store. You look good. They seem reasonably priced and I wanted to see how much you get for your money. Each stick has a nice velcro strap to keep the sticks together if they fall off. Trekking poles provide more stability when walking and hiking. They give you four places to go when you're silent. When you move, you have three points of contact with the surface. If you slip, sticks will help stabilize you. They also absorb some of the shock that comes with each step and can therefore reduce stress on your joints and reduce fatigue. The only thing that bothers me is the flip lock. A flip lock locks the barbell at a predetermined height by folding a piece of plastic and tightening it with a small screw. The feel of the folding lock is adequate, but it doesn't have the weight or texture that gives me much confidence in its durability. I worry that it will do its job for a while and that it might let me down if used. I will also note that one of the parts of the instructions attached to the bars had very small print and while I was able to read the instructions I think others might have problems. So a pretty good product at a good price but based on my experience with other products I am concerned about how it will hold up.
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