I was able to use my own server as well connect other servers, it made managing multiple networks much less frustrating than using many different proxies one by one or at times manually switching between them. Also their customer support department seems very helpful when there are issues with connecting through an infonicastory account which can sometimes be difficult if you do not speak fluent English (or any language). Their API's could also have been more user friendly/easier to understand but once again they seem extremely responsive so this may just come down to personal preference in terms of ease-of-use vs security concerns. We primarily used Infastica during our time working remotely from China while we were building out new cloud computing platforms (including AWS infrastructure) back home here in Toronto Canada. I like how easy it was to set up, configure in our environment as well as manage from an admin console which makes things very simple when deploying servers with various clients behind them all at once! It's not cheap though but if you need dedicated proxies this might be something worth looking into. We have been able to get round robin DNS working without issues using infaticas services.