This is without a doubt the best vacuum cleaner I have ever owned. It's not overly heavy, but heavy enough to feel like it works. The designer must have been a woman because it's ergonomically perfect. There is a carrying handle for the vacuum cleaner directly above the bag collector. The packaging unit is "sealed" so that no dust or particles can escape when the bag is changed. There are 4 assembly tools ATTACHED to the back of the unit. I mean - they will NOT fall off when you work. The hose suction is as powerful as the vacuum cleaner itself. It's thin enough to fit under most furniture. It has hardwood and carpet settings that really work - when set to hardwood the dust doesn't fly everywhere, but the rotors stop moving so you can vacuum the fringes on the carpets. I can't say enough good things about this vacuum cleaner - oh and my husband loves it. Did I mention I have 2 house dogs and 4 house cats? And two teenagers and a four year old? LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!