These bags are much better than the old Hoover bags made from 3M Filtrete material as seen on this product page: HOOVER 4010801Y 2PK Type Y HEPA Bags Also Fitz Type Z These bags are still HEPA but they are folded to fit my post more easily. The old bags were flat and the edges had to be stuffed and vacuumed to fit the bag. These packages are the correct width. The opening in these bags is still cardboard, but there is a flexible rubber-like material that covers part of the opening. The old bags only had one wide opening and when you pulled the bag out, a lot of dust and dirt fell out when the bag was full. I've always wondered why they don't seal the opening with a rubber grommet like other manufacturers do and I think this will help keep dust and dirt in the bag. This should also create a better seal between the bag and the vacuum cleaner. Several reviewers complained about receiving non-Hoover filters as shown on the product page. Mine were exactly as pictured. There are other vendors that sell these packs but mine was sold by GoVacuum.
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