Conclusion: ps4 + subscription for a year + 10 games = 70 thousand. For this money, we take a PC with i5-i7 and gtx 970 and get a picture that will never be on PS4 (because there is old hardware from 2022). If you have a head on your shoulders, then you will not sponsor Sony and buy their consoles, because it is precisely because of these consoles that the graphics on the PC are also cut in new games so that there is not much difference. (The Witcher 3, as a vivid example. Already in 2022 the graphics were gorgeous, and then they had to be cut and in 2022 we got horror. But the publishers don’t care, because the main thing is that they buy consoles.) I already foresee the butthurt of the Sonyboys. P. S. former owner of ps4, one of the first to buy it in 2022.