I like that it has an easy way through which you can organize your content, as well makes them visible at any given point when needed! Also very helpful if there's someone else working remotely; we share our files online so they know what needs doing next without having us physically present (or even speaking). Sometimes some formatting gets messed up while uploading but other then this everything works fine!! Nothing much really dislike about using their product - just make sure all requirements have been met before purchasing or signing into trial mode otherwise things may not go smoothly afterwards. Make use out office documentation tool where one person does most writing tasks & others do reviewing/editing etc.. I like that it's been easy to use since we've started using it. Easy to navigate, quick loading times. Some things can take some getting used to but all in all great product! Nothing really as far as dislikes go. We're solving our problems and issues related to making sure people know what they need to do when working at mines or underground operations sites.