In general, as they say in the common people, the "sekas" vacuum cleaner)) I forgot about the wired one at all, it was pushed out of sight into the dark corners of the storerooms and simply became unnecessary. Everything is convenient, practical and efficient. Cleaning time has been reduced and the mood during cleaning has improved. To anyone who is thinking about purchasing now I can not recommend. NECESSARILY! consider alternative options from other manufacturers that are lower in price and similar in functionality. But there are alternatives and the price tag can vary significantly. I didn’t do a market review and comparison in terms of performance characteristics, but recently going into one electronics hypermarket I saw essentially ogues (wireless, with a container, different nozzles, etc. ), slightly different in design and other brands but at a cost 2 times lower . Especially now in many stores there are test samples and you can "poyuzat" on the trading floor before purchasing. But in general, a cordless vacuum cleaner in general - VESCH! )) From 13.02202222: Velvet on the nozzle disappointed. Finally convinced that half the price - for the name. Such a small but not pleasant nuance, as it may seem to someone, but not with a vacuum cleaner for 45! While I regard this as just a symptom of the overall quality of the product. And it's not that everything is completely bad, no. Just not 45,000 is his price. 15 - ceiling. And I have no doubt that other users have everything ok and even this is not. But I work with him in a sparing mode, I don’t press, I just drive forward and back on the sofa and that’s it . Let's see what the warranty service will say)) To be continued. ate as of 01/26/2022 The trigger stopped working. You press - the vacuum cleaner does not turn on. More precisely, it turns on, but you have to press with all your might. Vacuuming is not possible. I applied for a warranty repair. Let's see what will happen.