This is an antenna, what can I say, it immediately dropped my SWR from 1.5 omnidirectional to 1.2 at 1 and 1.5 at 40. It's a bit long so still needs tweaking, but I had my ant. the warning light is on and with that it goes off amazing I've tried everything with my old antennas to turn that damn lamp off and nothing I must have had a bad antenna and I'm pretty sure after adjusting it is 1,0- 1.1 through all channels One thing I don't like is an antenna that I installed on the passenger side. The LED was blinking very fast and went off when I was transmitting so idk if there is a problem with the LED, the antenna or maybe the wiring The other side. fired but I'll be changing the wiring and all connections in the coming days so maybe it works too. I'm only using a cobra 29 with the capsule removed to modulate the power so maybe 10-12 watts but the light came on and got a stryker 955 a few days, once it connects I'll see if the Turn antennas into Christmas trees lol BTW my old antennas were fire retardant, 4ft long, not adjustable
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