I wanted to make a simple kaleidoscope for my little grandkids who are almost 4 and 6 years old. That fits the bill. They still struggled with some elements but once I started they were able to keep going, especially the 6 year old. The kaleidoscope gave them an idea of what it was all about. If you want a good kaleidoscope, this probably won't work. The parts of the mirrors inside were just coated cardboard and not that shiny. The beads were made of plastic of various shapes. Two of the tubes were about the size of a roll of short paper towels and the third was about 2/3 the length of the others. There were sheets of self-adhesive paper to cover the outside of the tube. One was gold and pretty, one was floral and lovely, the third was just solid. There were some plain white stickers to decorate the tubes with. Paper may vary from set to set. Like I said it fit what I wanted and needed so I was fine with the kit.