If in general, then the prefix is \u200b\u200bgreat! Ideally, of course, it was created for turkey, but AAA projects and ports play well. I must say right away that for comfortable gaming I had to buy a case (photo is attached), without it my hands were not comfortable and they froze. As for the screen, it's just good, of course I would like 7 inches, but 5.5 is also comfortable to play. The graphics in indie games are awesome. In AAA games and ports, the graphics are normal if you understand that this is a partative and what kind of stuffing is there. In general, if you are not picky about the graphics, then everything will be ok. As for the sticks, well, I don’t know . Who plays and takes care of the console. Everything is fine with me, there is no drift. As for the gaming itself, it has become very convenient, you can play everywhere in the truest sense of the word, of course, if you have money, since the prices for AAA games and ports are cosmic, more or less at an adequate price, this is turkey. And autonomy . it is neither big nor small, such a mediocre one. 3.5-4 hours large projects and 5-6.5 turkeys. Something like this. The thing is ideal for small comfortable sessions anywhere!