After receiving the handbag and seeing it with my own eyes, I think the price of the handbag is too high. As one reviewer mentioned, my bag was dented on both sides at the bottom, even though it contained thick styrofoam packaging. as well as on the sides. Not only is the bottom dented, but both sides of the bag have ripples or ripples, as if the material had not been stretched or moved from an upright position without support, or as if there was something on it. The detachable strap has been removed. in a pocket and not wrapped with an elastic band like I've seen many belts. Maybe someone had returned. π€·ββοΈ The parts holding the handle are unevenly distributed and cannot be adjusted. I assume that if treated with care it will only last one season. I really wanted to love this bag because of its unique shape. If it weren't for all those visual issues, this would be a cute summer bag. Consider fighting the returns process.
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