First, this product needs a lot of photos. I've searched Revain, other websites and even the manufacturer's website for more images of this bag and all I could find was a stock photo of a closed bag on a red Sportsman. I didn't really know what I was buying. I'm a little upset with the manufacturer because of this, but I certainly hope that my review will help others. With that said (and all the photos Revain has me post at once, see below), these bags appear to be of very high quality. . The stiffer foam sides preventing the bag from falling is a big plus for me. I was looking for this type of bag that didn't come with zippers (the zippers would fill up with dirt and grime and stop working or broke in a very short time) and this bag ticked both the boxes. to me. I really like how the top and bottom open up like gutters and stay open very well. I'm sure if they break they won't hold open as well as new ones, but that's to be expected. Inside the top pocket is a double elastic strap sewn in the middle and fully open. Behind. For size comparison, you could probably put a large folded card behind the double elastic and a standard booklet on each side of the front of the elastic. In my photos you can see what I mean. One such elastic strip is in towards the top of the bag and the other at the bottom of the bag. In addition, there is of course enough space in front of the rubber bands to place other objects. the bag is open. When the bag is closed and zipped, nothing falls out). I think this would be a great bag for a few small tools and maybe a raincoat. As shown in the picture, the top bag has an insulated bottle holder with a drawstring closure on the front of the top bag. It will fit a soda can or 20-ounce bottle, but nothing larger in diameter. Overall this is a great bag and feels like it should last for years of hard driving. If I discover anything else in the next few months, I'll update this review.
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