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Review on 🚲 Top-rated Diamondback Bicycles Youth 12 Inch Wheels: The Perfect Ride for Young Cyclists! by Paul Wilson

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Great entry level sport bike

We bought this bike for our son's first birthday after deciding to give up the tricycle. He's currently too big to push effectively on his own, but with the included push handle, that's not a problem. He loves to fly around the yard on his little bike and laughs as we roll. For now we're limiting our "ride time" to a grassy yard while dad pushes everything, but this bike is something he can grow into and learn to use himself, so the open road awaits. Many of my friends have taken the push bike route (instead of the tricycle) and found that it made their kids learn to balance on the bike much, much faster. A good friend's son switched completely to a bike without training wheels at the age of 2 due to training on a balance bike. It's pretty durable for a kids bike, especially compared to all plastic bikes. It's nice to have real rubber, metal wheels and spokes, and an inner tube that a toddler can ride on, compared to plastic tires that dent and break after a while. For $100 STYD from Revain it's worth it. Assembly is easy, all necessary tools are included.

  • Sport
  • Long delivery time