Does exactly what it says on the tin. This allows you to connect your device, which does not require a VGA connection, to every single projector in every school, church or convention center. Why do we need a port for devices we have when we can have a port for devices we don't? Oh, so we need to buy an adapter. Roger that. The adapter works great with my mid 2010 Macbook Pro. It does exactly what it needs to do. Pros: Inexpensive solution to missing a truly needed port on full-size laptops. Cons: The screw threads are slightly embedded in the skin. For most VGA cables this isn't a problem (and in most cases screwing really isn't essential), but if your VGA cable has short screws it won't screw into the threads. Not a big deal, but it would be nice if I could make it a little harder. If you need it, take it.