Very cheap antenna. I knew this was happening. When I received it here I noticed that the plastic insulator at the base of the antenna was torn. It will most likely tear even more with time/impact. I'll make another one out of nylon or something if that happens. The main disappointment was the high SWR that I saw out of the box. I saw 2.4 to start with 146.7. So I checked that I didn't see any shorts. It showed a break between the center conductor and the screen. But upon inspection I could only see the antenna and center conductor. I didn't see any connection to the screen/base. So I tore off the protective sticker from the magnet and started disassembling it. My magnet has already broken in two. This shouldn't affect performance, just cheaper. I removed the mast and found that the outer shell had no connection to the base. Got some paint on the inside. (Cheap paint, no primer. Thing will rust over time.) After fixing that bug I see 1.2 with MJF-259C at 146.7. Much better. I'm leaving town tomorrow and I needed this for a radio so I had to get it fixed. Otherwise I would have sent it back. I need to mount it on the vehicle and install the built in meter to see what the SWR is at 70cm. I hope everything is ok there now. Update: 70cm tested. I see an SWR of 3:1, totally unacceptable. Definitely don't buy.
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