perfect usb wifi adapter that exceeded my expectations on a laptop working from home in the back of the house about 12mbps received and frequently from Disconnected remote desktop, plugged in the adapter and connected to the router and get about 130Mbps and there hasn't been a power outage since.
TV Tuner LUMAX DV-2120HD
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DC/DC 12V To 24V Boost Converter 40A 960W - Waterproof Voltage Regulator Module For Car Power Supply (10V-16V Input)
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Kohree 36V To 12V DC/DC Converter Regulator - 10A 120W Golf Cart Voltage Reducer
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EXuby Digital Converter Box For TV With RF/Coaxial And RCA Cable For Recording And Viewing Full HD Digital Channels Free (Instant Or Scheduled Recording, 1080P HDTV, HDMI Output, 7 Day Program Guide)
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