I like how it shows you where your order has been shipped, when it will arrive at its destination, if there are any problems with shipment or insurance etc. It also helps keep track of inventory and price points so that we can make sure our customers get what they need. We do not have this program anymore because of some issues with the software itself. The issue was resolved but we had to move on. Recommendations to others considering the product:Make sure you know exactly what you want out of the program before implementing. If you don't know then ask questions! Tracking orders, keeping up with inventory levels, tracking shipments, having all shipping information available in one place. Ease of entering information into van sales. There are too many drop-downs with different options that can be tedious when entering data. Recommendations to others considering the product:There have been other platforms I used in the past that were intuitively easier than this one. We were sold because this was an easy to use interface but it felt clunky and difficult to navigate at times. Our van sales team is able to enter van sales orders easily. However, due to the cumbersome nature of our platform, we still struggle to keep track of these orders so there's extra work for us to do.