The ability to have historical crime statistics that can be utilized not only by police but also other decision makers in the organization, like risk managers or business owners who need to evaluate their own businesses relative risks. Also able to pull up maps showing areas where past crimes were most prevalent which helps when considering locations/mapping for future developments. It is very difficult to get this type of software at an affordable price point. I would recommend looking into different alternatives because there are several excellent products out there including predictive analytics solutions such as Riskalytics, Palantir Technologies' Geoscanning platform, etc. We use it primarily within our safety team to identify potential high impact hazards so we know what equipment needs to go where and how large it should be if deployed properly. Not sure why you want access to all types of criminal activity but if your goal was solely just security related issues using it has been extremely helpful. Our main problem area now being addressed through this program is theft prevention especially after hours hours off site storage areas for employees utilizing time clocks. Other than those benefits it It is user friendly, easy to set up your own algorithms and predict crime hotspots within an area in real time! I would like more detail about how long it takes to generate results so that we can be sure our customers are getting what they pay us for when using this software! Great tool helping police staff identify hot spots where criminal activity occurs most frequently - which helps them prioritise their resources effectively and reduce risk to officers through improved safety measures.